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Opportunity Qualification Process and Criteria

Your opportunity qualification process and criteria validate whether a prospect has a need for your offering and is likely to purchase. As the first stage measured in your sales pipeline, qualification is where you narrow down which prospects are intent on continuing their buying journey.  The qualification process can be complex, and there are many […]

Understanding the Sales Cycle

The sales cycle consists of all activities performed by a seller in the span of time it takes to close a deal. Understanding the sales cycle is a prerequisite for defining your pipeline stages and mastering pipeline management. Sales cycles can look very different from one company to the next, based on the product or […]

The Essential Guide to Sales Pipeline Management

Sales pipeline management is the systematic process of tracking sales activities and forecasting revenue throughout the sales cycle. Managing your sales pipeline effectively allows you to gain visibility into ongoing discussions, hold your sales reps accountable, and maintain more control over the complete sales process. When it comes down to it, buyers control the sales […]

SaaS Free Trial Best Practices to Improve Conversions

SaaS free trial best practices are your guideline for creating a free trial program that converts users into customers. The main goal for a SaaS free trial is to show potential buyers that your software can meet their needs, and to ultimately win their business. Our expertise at EBQ is helping B2B software companies drive […]

How to Sell Your Software to a Big Company

You’ve done it: You’ve developed software poised to solve some of the biggest problems in business and you’re ready to take on selling to industry giants. But how do you sell your software to a big company? There are many factors to consider before taking the plunge: very large or “enterprise” companies have longer and […]

How to Increase Sales Revenue with Customer Service

How to Increase Sales Revenue with Customer Service header image

It’s no secret that providing excellent customer service is paramount for retaining customers. As a result, most of us think of it solely as a post-sale function. The truth is that supporting existing customers can be an effective way for companies to increase sales revenue. Instead of treating support as the end of the customer […]

11 Things to Consider Before Choosing an Outsourced Lead Generation Service

11 Things to Consider Before Choosing an Outsourced Lead Generation Service header image

  You need leads for your business to grow, but generating your own leads can be demanding of your time and budget. If you’re considering outsourcing your lead generation to a specialized firm, there are a few questions you should ask yourself before choosing which company and pricing model is right for your business. Many […]

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