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The Delight Stage of the B2B Buyer’s Journey

The delight stage can be considered the final stage of the buyer’s journey. But the truth is your business strategy should aim to delight customers throughout their journey. The goal of “delighting” is to nurture meaningful customer relationships that create long-lasting loyalty and encourage your customers to become evangelists for your brand.

When strategizing for the delight stage, companies should emphasize the benefit of a collaborative relationship. You facilitate your customers’ success, and they, in turn, facilitate yours.

Developing this symbiotic relationship will increase your customers’ trust in your company and make them more likely to refer new buyers to your product or service. 

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customer care

Your strategy during the delight stage should consistently remind customers of the value you deliver. This might come in the form of exclusive offers, one-to-one communications, and proactive customer care. Keep your customers satisfied and engaged with your company by showing them you truly care about their customer experience.

Try these outbound tactics in the delight stage:

Product education shouldn’t end in the growth stage of the buyer’s journey. Provide continuous instruction on how to use your product successfully. Be proactive about your customer service. Reduce any possible concerns by responding with transparency to any negative or uncertain feedback you receive.

Always notify customers in advance about product updates and about upcoming contract or subscription renewals. Providing this information early, and continually helping them get more from your product or service, will decrease churn and drive long-term value from each account. 

There are plenty of firms you can hire that provide customer service representatives. But if you choose to go this route, make sure you outsource your customer care to a partner that fully understands your customers’ and company’s goals. 

Marketing strategies that
delight your customers

Marketing to delight-stage customers is all about communicating. Create an open line of communication between your company and your buyers that encourages your customer base to view you as a go-to resource for support.

Establish this trust through all your marketing channels. Be active on your company blog and social media profiles, use each platform to convey your brand personality, and let customers reach out to you directly for guidance.

Delight your customers with these marketing tactics:

The marketing team should aim to delight buyers through everything they create. Create marketing content that generates excitement for your brand and product. Create marketing content that answers customer questions before they even have to ask. 

The objective here is to demonstrate your value—and that your company values its customers’ experience. Cultivate a relationship so delightful that they have to tell their colleagues about you.

at every stage

From lead to prospect to customer to repeat customer, delighting your buyers at every step of their journey increases the trust, and value, in each relationship. As buyers become less receptive to the hard sell and increasingly demand connection on a more human level, sellers are required to develop more buyer-centric strategies.

Go beyond merely delivering on the promises you made before the sale. Excite your buyers and give them a reason to advocate for your brand, fueling the new buyer’s journey and increasing your return on investing in your customers.

Ultimate Guide to the B2B Buyer’s Journey

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