RevUnit + EBQ
The Challenge
As an innovator in the data consulting and software space, RevUnit has been able to help clients like Walmart, Chick-fil-A, and Sam’s Club build out data strategies, products, and infrastructure so these organizations can get vital operational insights into the hands of their employees, faster. They are able to create semi- or fully custom data solutions to achieve client goals.
Despite the proven efficacy of their data solutions, RevUnit found that it was difficult to articulate exactly what it is that they do since they don’t provide any physical product. Compounding this issue was the fact that even though RevUnit identified and understood the need to invest in content creation, they lacked the necessary internal resources to get started.
After all, RevUnit had never previously had a designated marketing department or a partner that could create content as an extension of their team. This missing piece led to roadblocks elsewhere, with RevUnit wanting to increase thought leadership and website traffic with content, but they didn’t have readily available content to make this possible.
“In a professional services space like RevUnit is in, it’s difficult because you're not selling a product or service, so being able to articulate what it is we do and how we service clients in a way that's understandable for multiple personas can be difficult. But it’s essential to our success – we needed to get traffic to our site with content that was intentional,” said Emily Rinde, RevUnit’s Senior Content Marketing Manager.
RevUnit’s defined goal, despite being in a space of unique, customized solutions, was to be able to tell captivating stories that helped businesses, created empathy with readers, and addressed pain points being experienced by business leaders across a wide variety of industries.
They needed to find a solution that contained the required resources and bandwidth to be able prove out the importance of content development internally – enter EBQ.
The Solution: Content Marketing Department at EBQ
RevUnit’s former president, Josh Stanley, had heard of EBQ through an advertisement and put our organization on the radar of RevUnit’s Business Development Lead. After researching EBQ and a handful of other firms, the Business Development Lead brought EBQ to the RevUnit board advisor for a final decision.
“The idea of a monthly flat rate for resources that could easily fluctuate or be reallocated based on team needs seemed particularly valuable. At the time, we didn’t have in-house business development, so we needed to outsource it to help prove it out. Then we added on marketing services because we were already engaged and had seen good work from the EBQ team,” said Rebecca Black, RevUnit’s VP of Marketing.
Now, with EBQ acting as an extension of their team, RevUnit could work to increase traffic to their website and their data solutions with regular content creation bolstered by SEO keyword research.
RevUnit also sought to position themselves as the helpful expert in their space with a particular brand voice that created empathy with their readers. It had been a big focus to inject into their content for some time, and EBQ helped in establishing that voice and ensured it was always reflected in new content.
Eventually, the workflow of EBQ and RevUnit’s content creation process evolved, with RevUnit encouraging even closer collaboration between EBQ’s content marketing representative and RevUnit’s subject matter experts (SMEs) – which led to a reduction in time for drafting outlines and completing revisions.
All of this allowed EBQ’s representative to become more immersed in RevUnit’s brand, gain an understanding of how their work relates to the current state of the world, and be better at explaining to prospective clients where RevUnit fits in that bigger picture.
The Results
Working with EBQ, RevUnit found that their ability to quickly test and experiment with content was highly valuable. They were able to test more formulaic content like Quick-Start Guides, Cheat Sheets, and Articles as well as be more agile and spin up more digestible articles that spoke to current events like the supply chain crisis, the ongoing labor shortage, and more.
All this to say, representatives of RevUnit feel they couldn’t have accomplished this all on their own. “The time it takes for a heads down, long-form content piece takes a lot of energy and thoughtfulness, so to have someone dedicated to that has been very valuable,” Rinde said.
The end result? RevUnit’s partnership with EBQ proved out the value of content so well that it allowed for their marketing division to make the case for increasing headcount for someone who can be responsible for writing content for a full 40 hours a week.
Beyond that, the numbers speak for themselves. Over the course of their partnership with EBQ, RevUnit saw their users go up 147%, their new users rise 153%, and saw sessions go up by 206%. They also have an impressive amount of relevant, engaging content at their disposal – complete with 14 articles, 8 cheat sheets, and 8 long-form guides.
EBQ helps RevUnit create a pipeline of continuous, compelling content
In terms of having you all as a resource, it’s been extremely helpful to have EBQ’s quality of thoughtfulness and expertise that requires little review on RevUnit’s end.
Emily Rinde Senior Content Marketing Manager at RevUnit

RevUnit + EBQ
RevUnit worked with EBQ’s Marketing team to create a pipeline of continuous, compelling content to prove out value and tap into a new market.