Top 10 Best Appointment-Setting Companies of 2024

Appointment setting — also known as appointment generation and sales development — can be a costly and lengthy process to handle internally. We have created a list of the best appointment-setting companies so you can consider outsourcing these responsibilities to ramp up your lead generation, improve your client’s experience, and create a direct line of communication between the sales team and decision-makers for a positive lead nurturing process. 

Appointment-setting companies are responsible for lead generation, finding potential customers for you, qualifying them as prospects, and scheduling appointments for them to meet with the sales team. Appointment-setting services will bridge the gap between marketing-qualified leads (MQLs) and sales-qualified leads (SQLs). 

The amount of options out there can be overwhelming. We have curated a list of 10 successful appointment-setting companies so you have a solid starting point.

Continue reading to determine what services you need from a company to continue your success.

Download the Ultimate B2B Appointment Setting Guide

Discover how to use appointment-setting strategies to increase your revenue with an approach that allows your sales team to focus on closing deals while SDRs concentrate on nurturing leads.

Top professional appointment-setting companies to consider

To find the top 10 appointment-setting companies, we examined their background, what services they offer, and past case studies. 

Although a lot of these characteristics may be similar from company to company, it’s important to find the small details that will make all the difference when working together. When reading through this list of companies, ask yourself:

What level of industry expertise do they need to have?

The more you move through the sales funnel, the more you need industry expertise to communicate with your prospects effectively. If all you need from your appointment setters is to find leads for you before passing them off to your team, they don’t necessarily need in-depth knowledge of your industry. However, if you plan to outsource appointment-setting services throughout the entire sales funnel, it’s crucial for the sales team to fully understand the nuances of your industry in order to close a deal.

Will they act as an extension of your team?

Some appointment-setting companies work as a stand-alone by using their own workflows, technology, and communication platforms to work with you. On the other hand, others fully integrate into your workflow, learn your platforms, and work as an extension of your sales team.

What is their pricing structure?

For any service, it’s important to understand how they will price their services and what to expect when you start working with them. Some companies offer flat fees, while others work off of a pay-per-lead system. On the other hand, some companies offer a pay-per-lead pricing model. However, these companies may compromise on quality to get you the quantity of leads.

A diagram illustrating the pros and cons of Flat Fee vs Pay-Per-Lead Pricing Models. Flat Fee (on the left): Pros: transparency in the upfront charge, easy to work into your budget, reduced overhead cost. Cons: potentially higher cost, less flexibility (depending on the contract length). Pay-per-lead (on the right): Pros: guaranteed results, adaptable volume adjustments, higher incentive for the provider. Cons: quantity over quality, harder to budget/cost will vary, lack of control on appointment setting process.

Now that you have a sense of what you are looking for let’s take a look at the top 10 appointment-setting companies we have gathered for you.

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1. EBQ

EBQ Homepage

As an outsourced marketing and sales company, EBQ is an extension of your business. With six different services, their Texas-based team can reach and nurture prospects in each stage of the sales journey. Not only will you be working with professionals, but each client will also work with their own dedicated business consultant and assigned project manager. They seamlessly adapt to your industry, learning the ins and outs of how your industry works and how they can best serve you and your customers. Working on a flat monthly fee, EBQ can increase your revenue growth at a fraction of the cost of hiring an internal team.


  • Appointment setting 
  • CRM 
  • Data 
  • Marketing 
  • Sales 
  • Customer experience

Case studies

EBQ consistently updates new and existing clients on their success stories with case studies from complete projects.

2. DemandDrive

DemandDrive Homepage

DemandDrive prides itself on being a leader in the appointment-setting business that helps clients throughout the top, middle, and bottom of the sales funnel. They aim to aid in their client’s revenue growth by building a team of experts to create a sustainable and positive sales process.


  • Sales solutions 
  • Marketing services 
  • Revenue Operations

Case studies

DemandDrive works with a variety of clients, telling each story with new case studies updated on their website.


Using technology, CIENCE strives to create accessible and effortless demand-generation services for all types of clients. Leveraging AI tools and a team of specialists, they assist their clients in finding buyers, engaging their audience, and converting them to sales.


  • B2B data services 
  • Sales automation 
  • Sales AI

Case studies

Their video case studies examine various projects and dive into their successful experience with their clients.

4. SalesHive

SalesHive Homepage

With a team of SDRs and their in-house AI lead generation platform, SalesHive scales inbound and outbound lead generation for any industry. They encourage their clients to create sales development programs to set them apart from their competitors. With the support of a whole team behind you, SalesHive works to grow your revenue and increase your leads.


  • Cold calling
  • Email outreach 
  • SEO
  • Google ads
  • Link Building

Case studies

Embodying their value of transparency, their case studies examine their client’s struggles and how they stepped in to help.

5. Alleyoop

Offering its services as the ultimate assist, Alleyoop works with any company, from startups to established businesses. Their team of SDRs works as part of your team to quickly hit your internal goals while staying as cost-effective as possible. With two programs, each client can pay for the services they need to see success.


  • Custom sales playbook 
  • Custom phone scripts 
  • Objection handling guide 
  • Email cadence and sequences 
  • Dedicated managers 
  • KPI reporting 
  • Custom database 
  • Phone and email outreach program 
  • Call recording 
  • Video and GIF creation 
  • Website lead tracking platform

Case studies

As a continuously growing company, their case studies dive into past success stories and how they as a company learned from that experience.

6. Belkins

Belkins Homepage

Established with many years of experience as a B2B lead generation expert in various industries, Belkins takes a results-oriented approach. Their team curates a steady list of leads for you, allowing you to focus on scaling your business. Belkins offers personalized strategies tailored to your company’s needs.


  • Appointment setting 
  • Lead nurturing 
  • Lead research 
  • Pricing

Case studies

With experience in working with over 50 different industries, their case studies dive into how they helped their clients unlock their growth potential.

7. memoryBlue

Focusing on tech sales companies, memoryBlue works with your company to create effective marketing strategies, handle lead nurturing, and build sales tactics to help grow your revenue. As a trusted B2B lead generation company, they help their clients improve their sales performance and grow their customer base. memoryBlue has grown to be a global company, offering support to tech companies all over the world.


  • B2B lead generation 
  • Sales development 
  • Sales recruitment 
  • Targeting public sector 
  • SDR services 
  • Outsourced BDR services 
  • Sales training and consulting

Case studies

Take a look at what their clients have to say about their experiences in video interviews.

8. Televerde

Televerde has been working with Fortune 500 companies to increase revenue growth and produce high-quality leads. They take a human-centric approach to offer solutions that will ensure positive results.


  • Sales 
  • Customer experience 
  • Marketing 
  • Channel program support

Case studies

Although they don’t provide case studies, they openly share their reviews from past clients so you can get a feel for how they work.

9. Operatix

Operatix Homepage

Focusing their efforts in the B2B software industry, Operatix understands the nature of the industry and tailors their efforts so they can best accelerate your growth. Their team works as an extension of your sales and marketing team by adapting to your business model. With a team that is worldwide, they open doors for sales across the globe.


  • Outbound sales development 
  • Inbound lead qualification
  • Channel acceleration services 
  • Marketing acceleration services 
  • Sales recruitment

Case studies

Their recorded audio case studies come from their clients’ perspectives on how Operatix helped them scale their businesses.

10. Abstrakt Marketing Group

Abstrakt Marketing Group Homepage

Working with small—to medium-sized companies, Abstrakt Marketing Group is passionate about building clients’ sales pipelines to generate consistent leads. They have seen their own growth over the years by using the same marketing, lead generation, and business services solutions they use for their clients.


  • Outbound BDR
  • Inbound SDR
  • Creative suites 
  • Cloud solutions 
  • Talent solutions

Case studies

Their case studies look into their past successes and how Abstrakt helped lead their clients to that success.

Other factors to consider

Once you have a handful of potential companies you would like to work with, look into more details like past success, team or company expertise, and lead generation methods or quality. Taking a deeper dive into these details will help narrow down your decision. Some of this information will be available on the company’s website. However, looking into a third-party resource, such as, will give you a non-biased look at this information.

Past success

  • When looking for any type of service, it’s essential to look into customer testimonials, case studies, and third-party reviews so you can feel confident in your decision. 
  • If a company cannot provide you with reviews or examples of past success, it may be time to move on to a different option. 
  • You should also research the industries and company sizes in which they have served in the past to get an understanding of their experience.

Team or company expertise

  • A team or company with an understanding of and expertise in appointment setting will improve the value of the appointments set. 
  • You will be working closely with their team. They should understand what potential clients you are looking for and how to create persuasive sales materials and tailored messages to obtain these customers.
  • Find out if they offer continual upskilling to their team member. It’s important to work with a company that encourages growth so they can continue to offer you top-notch services.

Lead generation methods and quality

  • Some companies will find leads for you, while others will only work with leads you have already sourced. Decide what will work best for the needs of your team and if the company you choose offers lead generation services or just lead nurturing services. 
  • Whether a company generates leads for you or simply contacts your leads is not a good or bad strategy; it just depends on your needs. Before agreeing to a company, ask what their services include to better understand what to expect from them.

Download the Ultimate B2B Appointment Setting Guide

Discover how to use appointment-setting strategies to increase your revenue with an approach that allows your sales team to focus on closing deals while SDRs concentrate on nurturing leads.

Find the best appointment-setting company for you

Many business leaders rush to integrate third-party appointment setters into their company, but it’s important to evaluate each option diligently before making a decision. By asking yourself the questions we mentioned earlier, you will have a starting point for finding the right company for your needs. However, once you have a couple of companies that sound pretty good, you can do more research to determine which of your top picks will be the best. 

Remember to consider the following factors when making your decision:

  • Industry expertise
  • How they operate within your company
  • Past success 
  • Lead generation quality and methods
  • Pricing structure

Start by finding reviews left about the company you’re considering. Find out if they have any repeating complaints and decide if that would be a deal breaker for you. Notice if there is consistently positive feedback or if the company has left people unhappy. If you can’t find reviews directly on their website, you can do some digging on different websites or platforms where the information may be located. 

The other deciding factor is determining whether the company is transparent about its business operations. Find out if it is open about how it operates, what its lead generation process looks like, and how it grows its revenue. Once you understand its day-to-day operations and growth, you can trust that you are getting its services in a trustworthy manner. 

Remember, the quality of your appointment-setting initiatives depends on the quality of the partner you choose to outsource. With a company like EBQ, you can access a full team of sales and marketing experts who will take your appointment-setting, lead generation, and revenue growth to the next level. Connect with our sales team today to start your journey towards higher sales and increased revenue growth.

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