Service Dogs Alabama Case Study

How EBQ Helped Service Dogs Alabama Maximize Their Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud

The Challenge

Founded in 2010, Service Dogs Alabama (SDA) trains and provides service dogs for people with medical and psychiatric disabilities and intervention Facility Dogs.

To streamline their nonprofit’s processes, Ira Verbois (their previous Executive Director) and Paige Pritchett (Facility Director) decided to start investing in Salesforce — specifically Salesforce’s Nonprofit Cloud.

“Before we actually signed on with Salesforce, we were looking for a company to partner with because we knew it would be a difficult journey. We knew we weren’t qualified and we didn’t have the time,” said Ira.

The Solution


After Ira and Paige indicated that they were looking for a CRM partner, their Salesforce Account Executive recommended three Salesforce consulting companies. They considered their options and ultimately picked EBQ because of their experience in working with nonprofits.

What stood out to both Paige and Ira was their EBQ team’s level of attentiveness and willingness to help. They were both impressed by Cooper Pond (EBQ’s Project Manager) and Ola Oso (EBQ’s Salesforce-certified administrator).

“Even though our project was EBQ’s first time building out the DogTracker App in Salesforce, their high level of expertise showed when creating the process specific for SDA. In our working sessions, we informed the EBQ team on what data we needed to track from our dogs and they built Salesforce to meet our needs. We then worked together in the coming weeks to train on how to use the system that EBQ had built for SDA” said Paige.

“The EBQ team was always responsive, which built confidence in EBQ’s team,” added Ira.

While this was an implementation project, Cooper, Ola, and Kenley Ganem (EBQ’s Business Consultant) level of care blew Paige away. As a result, she felt supported every step of the way.

“Anytime I had a question, the EBQ team would get right back to me via email or would chat with me in Asana. I would say that they are very attentive. It was awesome! Nobody made me feel like I couldn’t ask a question or that I was being bothersome — even after our implementation project was over. Everyone is just so nice and willing to help,” said Paige.

The Results

A few short weeks later, SDA is now fully onboarded and utilizing Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud. Prior to partnering with EBQ, Paige felt lost and overwhelmed by how robust the instance is. Now, she can comfortably utilize Salesforce’s features to customize the platform to suit SDA’s needs.

“I’m impressed by how we’re now able to make a list for everything that we need. I know every aspect of the dogs, the people, and the donors. But now, I can visually see everything in a way that I couldn’t before,” said Paige.

On an executive level, Ira appreciates how every data point is consolidated into one system. While he’s still getting used to the platform, he feels confident that he can rely on Paige to help him navigate their instance.

“Salesforce has given us more than we expected. Now, I have a bird’s eye view without having to go to 5 or 6 different software — which has been helpful,” said Ira.

When reflecting on their overall partnership with EBQ, both Ira and Paige were more than content with their work.

“EBQ was just awesome! Their helpfulness, their kindness, their patience has been wonderful,” said Paige.

EBQ was just awesome! Their helpfulness, their kindness, their patience has been wonderful

Service Dogs Alabama Case Study

Service Dogs Alabama x EBQ

Service Dogs Alabama was able to maximize their Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud investment with the help of EBQ’s certified consultants.

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